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Some tiff is suspected and you may try to recover your held up money during the first half, results of tests, exams will come in favor and may get any important information through sources. But in the second half you will get relaxed from government related issues, may take initiative to sell your property or asset. You will experience deterioration in your physical and mental health and may plan some religious ritual at home.

Although the opening of the month will be grand filled with achievement and glory but it is not going to lost for long. But the best part is that the unfavorable period is very short just of two to three days; again you will come back on the winning track. During the tough time you are suggested not to mess with others otherwise unknowingly you will increase the list of enemies, rather existing rivals will try to demoralize and impose pressure on you. There may be misunderstandings with your parents and other family members; usage of harsh words shall be the cause of regret in near future hence keep control over your temper and avoid using harsh words; stay away from useless debates and arguments that will be better for your own otherwise it will imbalance your mental status and the impact of inauspicious time will increase. Very soon within first week only this phase shall be over and in the beginning of the second week you will get some wealth as well. You may be able to concentrate over your existing profession along with future planning. You shall be obedient and careful towards your parents. You will manage the time for yourself too. You may add something for your home or office. This is the favorable time hence you may try to recover your held up money. You will get any important news from sources. Again between 13th and 14th you shall have to be cautious because this will be not a fair time. Once the time is over you will focus on your pending projects and accomplish them timely. In the second half most of your government related worries will be resolved. Any of your close friends will assist you in future growth. There shall be some remarkable achievement in your part and you will be honored socially. In the second half only you might get profit in finalizing some real estate or asset deal including your vehicle. Matrimonial prospects will move on towards the positive direction, but the negative phase is about to come and despite of your financial good condition your heavy expenses shall imbalance your budget. This is not a favorable time for your mental and physical health. Practice meditation for mental peace and Yoga for physical and mental health both. This shall be a short period after that you will make money, may go on any business trip and also organize any religious ritual ceremony at your home. By the end of month you may take various responsibilities; to minimize it distribute the responsibilities evenly accordingly.

Cancer July 2022 Weekly forecast

Cancer July 1st – 7th
Opening of the month shall be very rewarding as on 1st till 2nd noon you will be successful in all your endeavors irrespective of work field. Some unexpected achievement is foreseen; you may come across with some pleasant news. However after 2nd noon and till 4th you will have to face an adverse tide. Rivals and opponents would be very aggressive and they will leave no chance to over power, you may feel quite recessive. Family atmosphere would be tensed due to the differences with the parents or senior family member. In profession you will have to apply more efforts to achieve smaller targets, ongoing projects would be held up and no new project could be initiated. Keep a track over rising rage and usage of harsh langue, don’t indulge in worthless arguments else the situation may go against leading to tiff and mental tension. Honor and reputation might be hampered. Between 5th and 7th through hard application of efforts some of the new projects could be started, which will give you quite satisfaction. The things shall be conductive. You will regain your shatter confidence, may feel morally strong and energetic. Marital life would be harmonious and progeny would be responsible. You will be satisfied and happy with the achievements and efforts.

Cancer July 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will be more considerate for parents and senior family member, may add something for domestic use. In profession you will be performing well, may get some money, financial condition will be consolidated. You may design future plans and work according. Despite busy schedule you will make out the time for family and own self. Between 10th and 12th the period is conductive for the students, they will remain focused and dedicated, may get desired results in exams. In profession the situation would be conductive, you may get same important piece of information through sources. Loaned money could be recovered. Family atmosphere would be cordial and physical health will improve. But the period between 13th and 14th would be troublesome due to the presence of Moon in 8th. Avoid worthless arguments or debates else you would be trapped in tiff and altercation with someone, unexpected and sudden altercation is also indicated. While taking important decisions you will have to be analytical and practical in approach else you may suffer bad consequences. Unexpected troubles may crop in professional area, ongoing projects will be held up; money due to you could be held back with no valid reason. On 15th there would be betterment in the prevailing situation.

Cancer July 16th – 23rd
On 16th you will be victorious in all legal and government related issues. Friends would be quite helpful in achieving your aspiration. Mentally you would be happy and satisfied, new fellows would be added in your circle. Professional success is indicated, may get some wealth. Financial condition will improve. The period between 17th and 18th would be quite rewarding, honor and reputation will enhance widely; in professional front some remarkable achievement is foreseen. Work efficiency shall be high and it would be rewarded with proper remuneration. You would be successful in all your endeavors irrespective or work nature. Between 19th and 20th you may remain engrossed in sale purchase deal of property and vehicle which would be quite profitable. In profession any of the coveted projects could be initiated, even the ruined projects may develop momentum. But all of sudden the tide will take an adverse turn as between 21st and 22nd you may fall in financial crisis situation. Mounting expenses will fast consume saved money, budget will get disturbed. You will be disappointed to see the things moving in the adverse direction, rising tension will directly impact physical health. On 23rd matrimony prospects may gather momentum but no significant professional success is indicated.

Cancer July 24th – 31st
On 24th you may attain success in professional front. Journeys if conducted shall be very promising. You will meet new people and update your general knowledge. At this juncture you will feel confident and strong. Between 25th and 29th socially you would be active. Religion and spiritualism will draw your attention as a result you may participate in some social welfare or charity program. Physical health will improve. Those who are suffering from long illness may experience fast recovery and health gain. In profession held up projects may gather momentum, many of them could be completed, work pressure would be high, physically you would be exhausted but mentally you happy and satisfied because the things would be moving only in the positive direction. You may arrange some religious function at home. Between 30th and 31st guest may drop in, you will remain engrossed in offering hospitality. Domestic expenses will rise and you will find less time for professional obligations. Don’t take more responsibilities instead distribute them evenly, it will keep you away from burden and also work would be completed within the stipulated time.


Today you will prefer to do work quite methodically so as to give required attention to every individual task. You may impose discipline at every front which will give you only encouraging results. Family atmosphere will be happy but in profession you will have to fight still to bring the situation... Read More

2024 is nearly knocking at the door. If your zodiac sign is Cancer, this year has a lot of things in its store for you. The Cancer horoscope of 2024 is clearly indicating that multiple surprising factors are awaiting you. You are about to face several turbulences all over the year. Being conscious can save you from multiple sufferings, and a bit of ignorance can lead you to serious issues. You’ll be blessed with the favors of Mars in the first phase of the years. That will result is assured success and elevation in your professional... Read More


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