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Aries - (Mesha)

You may meet some political big shot or high officials who may be quite helpful in paving your success path. Vehicle will consume a big portion of your earnings, drive your vehicle cautiously there may be minor accident. In professional end success and challenges go on... Read More

Taurus - (Vrushaba)

First half will be quite good in comparison to the second. You may involve in some major construction work. Religious and spiritual feeling will be high waving and may involve in related activities. Your new approach will bring extraordinary results in business and... Read More

Gemini - (Mithun)

October is quite a favorable month though during the third week your lethargy and habit of procrastination will impact your earnings badly. First week is very gaining from the journey perspective. Financially this is a favorable month, your pocket will remain full and... Read More

Cancer - (Karka )

In the month of October some untoward thing may happen in the starting while success is expected in government related issues. You will remain engage in home renovation and maintenance whereas a normal communication can be converted into violent altercation. Few of... Read More

Leo - (Simha)

Your due money might be held up. Hard labor will give only little returns, mentally you will be restless and diversion towards religion will increase may plan to go holy place for offering prayers and seeking the blessings. There might be tiff with close ones and minor... Read More

Virgo - (Kanya)

Health will not remain in good condition; may come to know about some unpleasant news whereas in government cases you will get some relief. Social work and religious feelings would be high. Sightseeing or pilgrimage might be conducted with family during the first half.... Read More

Libra - (Tula)

Health will fluctuate. Any false allegation might be levied on you. Although money inflow will be thick but your expenses will be mounting hence financial condition will more or less remain the same. Take safety measures while driving since road accident is suspected.... Read More

Scorpio - (Vrushchika)

Love romance will prevail throughout the month. Good time for the love birds. You may get better job offers. Business trips might be conducted which shall be fruitful too. Counter your expenses otherwise loan might be taken to overcome. You may achieve something big.... Read More

Sagittarius - (Dhanu)

You will get the favorable results of the deeds done in the past. Religious feelings shall be high may visit holy place to meet any saint.  You may take financial help from colleagues and superiors. Government related cases will go in your favor whereas some... Read More

Capricorn - (Makar)

Health will remain fluctuating along with seasonal ailments some serious issues may surface. You shall be in emotional vain which can bring in nostalgia. Financial loss is expected, you could be cheated in sale purchase transaction whereas the time is not good for the... Read More

Aquarius - (Kumbha)

Some seasonal ailments may surface and the government cases will go in your favor. It’s a sweet time for the love birds but your past affair secret could be revealed. You may indulge in financial illegal activities which would be harmful and may suffer loss.... Read More

Pisces - (Meena)

This is good time for the nubile those who are waiting for the right match, matrimonial prospects will gain momentum whereas misunderstanding may crop between lover and beloved. Confrontations and clashes are indicated leading to a problematic and disgraces situation;... Read More


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