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The last week of the month will be the best as per economic aspect. In the first week you may buy or sell property whereas second week will not favor to students, their results would not be satisfactory. You might be deceived by some trusted friend, or planned marriages may suffer hurdles resulting in negative results during the third week. However the last week is most promising regarding economic affairs and success growth.

The starting of the month will not be good; the week will bring tension and worries with it but as soon you advance the hurdles will diminish. Your concern will be diverted by the deteriorating health of parents or some close relative. This will divert you from your regular routine. But anyhow you will maintain focus on your profession and achieve success. Your social circle will expand and reputation will also increase, your rivals will jealous but they won’t be able to take any action against you. You may buy or sell any property. You shall be liberal in attitude towards your friends and relative hence there would be a wonderful understanding with them. Since your mental status will be strong hence you will prefer to do the things methodically. You may go out to have meals with family and enjoy the happy moments. However this is not a good week for the students they will not perform well despite of hard labor. They will face challenge in getting admission in preferred college. The employees may be insulted publically by their seniors. Eventually by the end of first half the things will turn in favor and you may get the blessing of senior family member. Your income may increase and moral will be high. In the second half although your approach will be negative but your friend list will increase. For those who are waiting for their planned marriage in the close time may suffer various hurdles, the situation may lead to breakup, even the settled ceremonies might be snapped. Those who are in business shall get a challenging opportunity that may give wonderful earning but it will require bone breaking labor. If you exploit the situation in your favor then career growth shall be very fast. This opportunity will give a wonderful chance to attain prosperity and career progress. However the last week of the month will be the most promising from finance perspective. You will be successful in every field of life. Your business or investment gain will be double during the phase. During the time there shall be no look back rather a series of success will wait for you. You will be quite far away from your rivals hence developing a huge gap between them. Job seekers will perform better in exams and interview and shall be successful in casting impact of their enchanting personality. Those who are in net working industry will perform better than others. Be cautious between 28 and 29 of this month, during these dates you may face contradictions and challenges from professional and economic front.

Gemini July 2022 Weekly forecast

Gemini July 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 2nd you will have to pass through with an unfavorable time. Nothing will go in favor; you could be disappointed with an unfavorable remark. Deteriorating health of any senior family member will divert your attention. You will have to run a lot to materialize your end. In profession you will have to apply more efforts to achieve smaller targets. Mentally you would be puzzled, morose and disdainful whereas physically exhausted. Things will be better after 2nd noon. You will come in contact with new people, contact list will enhance. You may indulge in sale purchase of property. Socially you would be accepted and popular, honor and reputation will increase. Despite of hard efforts of rivals you will be least affected. They may try to hamper your image but you will outclass them. You will regain confidence. Physical health will support you to take bold decision. Family atmosphere would be good and members would be supportive. Between 5th and 7th you would be blessed with a very auspicious time. You will be successful in all your endeavors irrespective of work nature. You will offer gifts to close ones. You will be successful in projecting yourself as an impressive and influential personality, admirers list will enhance. You would be humble, liberal and cooperative by nature.

Gemini July 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th you will do the work methodically so as to give required attention over every task properly. In profession you may introduce new technology to enhance profit margin substantially. You will enjoy memorable moments with family. But between 10th and 12th you will have to be cautious and alert since the tide has taken an adverse turn. In profession you may experience some ticklish problems, ongoing projects would be held up, most of the time would be wasted in worthless pursuits; mentally you will be tensed and morose. The service class could be slighted publically by their seniors. Stay aloof of worthless arguments and discussions else you may pick the quarrel leading to tiff and adverse situation. The students will not be able to concentrate over studies; their results won’t be in favor whereas the job seekers will be disappointed since their performance in interview will not be satisfactory. Between 13th and 15th you could be blessed by the senior family member. In profession you will get desired results. You will get the proper return of efforts. Financial condition will be consolidated. Confidence shall be boosted and you will keep on working with energy and gusto.

Gemini July 16th – 23rd
On 16th you will experience a new surge of energy, may come in contact with new fellows and make them friends. PR circle will enhance, socially you would be popular and active. You will develop a positive and constructive approach. Between 17th and 18th you will be successful in all your endeavors if you apply a little effort. With fighting spirit you will face the situation and appear as a winner. Mentally and physically you will be strong. Family atmosphere shall be good and the members would be considerate. Differences and misunderstanding will be dissolved and relations will be induced with warmth. But between 19th and 20th someone close may deceive you hence you will have to be cautious and alert. Don’t rely on others in important matters and never discuss business policies in public. Unexpected hurdles may arise in every sphere of life. Ongoing matrimony prospects may develop complicate at the final stage. It would be a disgusting phase when you will remain restless and morose. Between 21st and 22nd you will have favorable time, if you exploit the time to the fullest it may take you to the heights of success. You will have many vistas of success. Use patience and courage to move the things forwards, you will be successful. On 23rd the time will be still favorable; in profession you may take some bold decision which will show your professional discretion powers. Your high skills will be realized by all. Financially you would be on sound footing.

Gemini July 24th – 31st
On 24th you would be free from worldly tensions and worries. You will be successful in both the spheres. Professional chores will move on smoothly and in domestic front you will discharge the responsibilities religiously. Honor and reputation will increase. You will develop a positive approach to see the world. Life would be peaceful and comfortable. Between 25th and 27th God will bless you with a very auspicious time. Inflow of money shall be thick and fast. There could be more than one sources of earning. In business you will make good profit whereas those who are in service could be promoted to the higher designations. You will get spectacular success in every work you undertake. Rivals and opponents would be brow beaten and you would be at the top of world. Marital life would be blissful and family atmosphere would be congenial. However the tide will turn adverse between 28th and 29th, during the phase you will not get satisfactory results in all your endeavors despite of hard efforts. Legal and government issue may go complicate and you will have to run a lot to materialize your end. Between 30th and 31st you will meet new persons; you will possess an astounding quality of attracting and convincing others. People will love to in your company. Those who are in net- work industry may get remarkable success. Working conditions will improve; success in interview, exam or service is foreseen.


Today you may indulge in self introspection phase. You may attend some social gathering or party and enjoy happy moments, new people will come in contact and you will establish cordial relations with them. Family atmosphere shall be congenial and physical health will remain sound.Auspicious Number... Read More

According to the zodiac sign system, Gemini is the third astrological symbol that is ruled by Venus! Apart from Aquarius & Libra, Gemini is also an Air sign. During 2024, Gemini natives will notice some relevant changes in their life. Be it professional, educational, or relationships! People who are born between 21st May & 1st June will be able to enjoy a successful relationship/marriage. Moreover, those born between 2nd & 11th June will have their full focus on building up their careers. The ones born amidst 12th & 21st June will aim to... Read More


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