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The month is full of controversies. In the first week you will get multiples of opportunities or better employment offer whereas in the second week you may spend on purchasing ornaments or property and may undertake long journey. The second half of the month is somewhat challenging, you might be trapped in legal cases and may bear huge loss, imposed by government agencies as recovery.

Since this month is full of controversies hence you will get the mixed returns only. The first half is comparatively better than the second one. In the beginning of the month your progress will be good and there shall be professional advancement. You will remain focused and prefer to govern business operations methodically. You will come across with multiples earning opportunities. Job seekers shall have better employment opportunity, whereas the existing employees may get promoted. You may meet some political big shots. There shall be good tuning among the family members resulting in good and cooperative family atmosphere. Relatives and friends shall also be supportive. Those who are in joint venture will enjoy more benefits. But in end of first week only you may suffer huge loss which will shook your confidence and working efficiency. Most of your projects will be either delayed or held up at the final stage. The condition will gradually improve in the second week and again your earnings will start. Very soon such time will come when you shall be successful in whatever you do. You will stay focused and work sincerely harder than before to accomplish the held up tasks within the stipulated time frame. You may spend liberally on ornaments or in purchasing property. During the phase you may plan to go on long journey that will be quite amusing and fruitful simultaneously. There would be good and fast inflow of money; but at the end of this week also you shall have to be extra cautious because some loss may incur or some projects may be declined. You would be caught in troubles and economic crises will increase your worries. The electronic gadgets may go faulty. There might be misunderstanding with spouse and friends resulting in panic situation from both professional and family end. During the phase you will give more importance to your profession with your strong mental power you shall be successful in subsiding most of the running challenges. You may join new alliance or business deal. This will help you in regaining your lost confidence and happiness. In the second half only you might be trapped in legal aspect resulting in huge loss imposed by government agencies as recovery or penalty. Property issues may lead to physical custody as well. You will be quite shattered and you will meet your mentor who will guide you to how to tackle the situation and come on the right track. Soon the things will become moderate and you will again focus on your target. During the phase you will make many new friends and business ventures.

Gemini August 2022 Weekly Forecast

Gemini August 1st – 7th
Month start will be fair. Between 1st and 3rd you will be profession centric and career progress will be steady. In order to complete the work you will adapt a systematic approach so that required importance could be given on every particular task individually. You may have better earning opportunities, job seekers may get appropriate job as per their interest whereas the service class will have bright promotion prospects. Businessmen will introduce new methods to enhance profit margin and they will be successful. Family atmosphere will be conductive and physical health will also remain sound. Between 4th and 5th you may meet some of political big shot; you will have more powers and opportunities through which career growth can be speed up. During the phase some of your coveted projects could be realized. Relatives and closed ones will be supportive and life would be full of comforts, pleasures and facilities. Those who are in joint venture will enjoy better profit. However between 6th and 7th you will have to be cautious in important matters else you may suffer some big financial loss. Work efficiency will dip and you will find no interest in carrying forward any professional task, ongoing projects would be left unattended. Mentally you would be confused and tensed of unknown fear. Patiently the situation can be normalized.

Gemini August 8th – 15th
On 8th you will face many challenges related to profession and domestic life. Journeys if undertaken will prove hazardous with no future prospects. In profession the results would be unsatisfactory despite of hard efforts. You will feel lethargy and procrastination practice will be followed. But the things would be better between 9th and 10th. During the phase you will come across with only favorable news from every single corner. In profession you will inch towards success, good earning will land to the sound financial position. You will work with gusto and vitality which will bring encouraging results only. Between 11th and 12th you may bring some necessary changes in work pattern which would be quite helpful in attaining big success. Due to increased earnings you will spend liberally over luxuries, may go out for shopping jewellery and garments; property deals could be finalized. Family atmosphere would be very harmonious and members would be supportive. Between 13th and 15th you may undertake some journey in connection to profession which will give fruitful results. Inflow of money shall be thick and fast. However the things will not be as good on 15th. Some unpleasant news is suspected to arrive from the close relative or friend, someone close may apart from you due to natural cause.

Gemini August 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th you could be trapped in worries due to sojourn of Moon in 12th which will impact both personal and professional lives. Business operations would be challenging, market may behave quite abruptly and your money could be stuck for long term. Employees will suffer from high work pressure, work efficiency will be low and the seniors may impose high pressure. Deteriorating terms with sibling, friends and relatives will also add more worries; you may feel all alone in the coliseum. However the tide will be favorable between 18th and 19th you will regain your composure. Dedication to work will give you encouraging results. Work efficiency will enhance and you will showcase your proficiency. At this juncture profession would be the first priority and you will remain engrossed in discharging duties devotedly, may join new venture or alliances to enhance sources of earnings. You will be happy and satisfied to see the things moving in the desired direction. Family atmosphere will improve. Between 20th and 21st you will enjoy comforts of life, progeny would be responsible and familial differences will dissolve amicably through mutual understanding. Eventually between 22nd and 23rd you will be free from almost all worries. This would be peaceful time and you will enjoy happy moments with family.

Gemini August 24th – 31st
Between 24th and 25th you will suffer quite a bad time. In profession you may commit some folly whose consequences would be severe and you will have to repent it later on. Legal agencies may trap you in some financial issues or some legal case. During the period you may get physically incarceration in connection to property deal. The period is quite hasty you will have to be very- very alert and cautious. Between 26th and 27th you may come in contact with your mentor who will show you the easiest and right path to escape from the prevailing issues. You will take the support of your existing contact. During the period you will develop new contacts as well which would be quite beneficial in long run. Between 28th and 30th the tide will be in favor. In profession you will be highly dedicated and focused, work efficiency will be high and it would be appreciated with proper remunerations. Targets could be achieved easily and the things will be moving as per expected. New friends will be added to your circle. Family atmosphere shall be good and members would be supportive, physical health will remain in good condition and mentally you would be confident. On 31st you may get good money but it would be fast consumed due to mounting expenses. Keep a check over your spend thriftiness else the situation will remain same.


Today you may indulge in self introspection phase. You may attend some social gathering or party and enjoy happy moments, new people will come in contact and you will establish cordial relations with them. Family atmosphere shall be congenial and physical health will remain sound.Auspicious Number... Read More

According to the zodiac sign system, Gemini is the third astrological symbol that is ruled by Venus! Apart from Aquarius & Libra, Gemini is also an Air sign. During 2024, Gemini natives will notice some relevant changes in their life. Be it professional, educational, or relationships! People who are born between 21st May & 1st June will be able to enjoy a successful relationship/marriage. Moreover, those born between 2nd & 11th June will have their full focus on building up their careers. The ones born amidst 12th & 21st June will aim to... Read More


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