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In December you will face different colors of life. In the first week you will invest for long time benefit and may involve in philanthropy activities. You will enjoy at picnic or go any theater whereas second week will be quite busy and will be mixed with some unwanted happening as well. You would be keen to learn fine arts, music, dance and innovative subjects. In the third week old disputes and illness will be subsided, legal cases will be settled in your favor but seasonal infection may catch you. However by the end of year you may incur loan to satisfy your commitments and you might be insulted publically in any party.

The beginning of the month shall be very good; you will get happy news from the progeny end and may invest for long time benefit. You shall be involve in social work and in the service of needy and deprive people. Your honor will be boost because of philanthropy activities and also it will give you heavenly peace and eternal satisfaction. You will spare most of the time in worthless pursuits. During the phase you shall have to keep a check on your language because people will interpret in another sense and list of foe will increase. By the end of first week you may plan to go on picnic or theater where you will have memorable time with family members whereas second week will be hectic and it will hard to take out time for family. During the phase profession will be your first and foremost priority as a result you will increase your income substantially. Your targets shall be achieved within the time frame, but you shall have to conscious during the phase because any of your trusted fellows may deceive you. The situation will become panic and it will perturb you deeply. With the effect of Moon your interest might be diverted towards fine arts, music, dance and innovative subject. In the second half most of your economic challenges would be wiped off, your new business deal will prove very profitable. A memorable incident may happen during the phase and family atmosphere will remain supportive and happy. This will be the time when you will experience much peace and solace. All your old disputes and long illness will come to an end, all worries will get resolved. Happiness will prevail from all sides. Females will purchase comfortable and decorative products for home and there shall be a festive like atmosphere all together. Take proper care of your health because you might get affected by seasonal change, if possible avoid any journey. By the end of the year your government related cases will get a momentum and shall be finalize in your favor and you may enjoy additional bonus. You may undertake a journey that shall be profitable. The last two days are totally against you, full of worries, you may incur loan to fulfill your commitments and publically you might be insulted in any party. Be careful, if you want to end the year with good note.


Ongoing worries may slow down a bit. Through your humble attitude you would be successful in gaining the support of family members and closed ones. Work pressure would be very high but you will cope with the situation. Don’t take chance in monetary issues else the situation may go... Read More

Here’s a detailed overview of the Gemini (Mithuna) horoscope for 2025, focusing on key areas such as career, love, health, and personal growth. Gemini Horoscope Overview for 2025 1. Career and Profession Innovation and Creativity: 2025 will be a year of creativity and innovation for Gemini natives. You'll find yourself coming up with new ideas and strategies that can significantly enhance your career. Those in creative fields or communication-based roles will particularly thrive. Opportunities for Growth: There will be... Read More


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