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Gemini September Weekly Prediction Report

Gemini September 1st – 7th
Between 1st and 2nd sentiments will be waving with high amplitude to satisfy your humble feeling you may participate in charity program or advance in the service of deprived and needy fellows. You will be very considerate for kids and other family members however there would be lesser focus in professional area. Between 3rd and 4th there would be plethora of trouble in every sphere of life. You will be distracted from the professional duties and find no interest, procrastination and lethargy will prevail. Physically health may fluctuate since some seasonal ailments may pester. Mental peace would be disturbed and you will remain tensed. But you will get favorable results from legal and government matters between 5th and 6th. In profession you will regain required focus and dedication, work efficiency will be high and hard work would be rewarded with proper returns. Due to the presence of philanthropy feeling you will render your service to the deprived section of society. To seek mental peace you may visit any holy place, from where you will attain solace and eternal happiness. Eventually on 7th you will be successful in all your endeavors. Honor and reputation will experience an upward swing. Financial condition will improve and family atmosphere will be congenial. You will be happy and satisfied with your achievements and efforts.

Gemini September 8th – 15th
Between 8th and 9th God will be happy with you. During the period you may get some reward of high honor. In profession you will keep on marching on success track. Businessmen may inculcate some new technology to enhance profit, service class will be loyal and honest, seniors would be happy with your performance and promotion chances would be brighter. Any holy lady or your mother may bless you for bright and happy future. You will feel delighted. Between 10th and 11th working pattern will be improved which will give you more benefit. At this juncture you will show your high professional expertise, may guide others to rise in career fast. You could be a good mentor; even the senior will not hesitate to seek your guidance. Between 12th and 13th you will be successful in what every job you undertake. Some spectacular achievement is foreseen in profession. But you will have to be cautious and alert while driving your vehicle else you may meet any road accident. Take proper safety measures and follow traffic rules. Between 14th and 15th mentally you will be free from all the worries. Some of the old and long worry is subjected to end during the period. You will be happy and satisfied with your achievements.

Gemini September 16th – 23rd
Between 16th and 17th you will be happy and you will keep everyone happy because of your good mood. Family atmosphere shall be very good and members would be cooperative. You will establish cordial relations with friends, colleagues and relative. Socially you would be active, social acceptance will increase; honor and reputation will also swell. Between 18th and 19th you may meet any media fellow and emphasize to brighten your image. In profession you will not afraid of doing hard work which will give you satisfactory results. Between 20th and 22nd you may implement some of your dream projects which will be related to your personal interest. During the period you will be drawn to religion and spiritualism hence devote considerable time in offering prayers and practicing religious rituals. You may undertake some home or office related pending works. Minor banter with family members may spoil familial peace; mentally you would be disturbed and listless. But the things will improve on 23rd. You will engross yourself in professional duties and pay less attention to worthless pursuits. You will inch towards success. The things will move as per expected. Familial relations will also improve.

Gemini September 24th – 30th
On 24th you will be in holiday mood, the day will be sent in merrymaking and exchanging jokes. Routine chores will be completed on time and no remarkable achievement is foreseen in profession. Rapport with friends, family members, colleagues and relatives would be cordial. Between 25th and 27th you will possess an upbeat confidence which will be reflected directly in working style. Life will be comfortable and peaceful. You may come across with some good news from the close relatives or friends. The time between 28th and 29th will be favorable for all. You will enjoy relishing dishes; house ladies will exhibit their cooking expertise. You will be very active in domestic life. Businessmen will be engrossed in making future business strategies whereas the service class will work sincerely. From in laws family end you may get some big honor. Progeny would be responsible and you will get hilarious moments because of progeny’s achievements. The entire family will be occupied in the preparation of some auspicious occasion. Students would be dedicated and focused to the subject of their interest, may expect favorable results. However on 30th deteriorating health of any senior family member may cause some worry. During the phase students will have to struggle to finish their tasks on time.

Greeting to Gemini natures for this wonderful month, your religious feelings will wave throughout the month and you may be involved in charity and some philanthropy activities especially during the first half. During the same time you will get the blessings of your mother or some pious lady. Some minor accident is also seen in the first half only. In the second half your professional achievements will be remarkable and some auspicious occasion will be celebrated at home.

In the starting of the month you will remain busy in attending meetings, seminars and conferences. Your philanthropy feelings shall be high and you will involve yourself in helping deprive and weak persons and kids. This will give you heavenly peace and eternal satisfaction; but your health will not support. You shall have to take medication to overcome physical disorders. Most of your government related issues will be resolved in your favor. Your religious feelings will dominate periodically and may go out to any shrine for offering your prayers. With the blessings of God you will regain your health and mental status soon and shall perform much better in professional area. As a result there shall be a series of victories in your part. You will devote quality time with family to enhance the warmth among the family members. You will get the special blessings of your mother or some pious lady in the second week. With her blessing you will work dedicatedly and sincerely and attain the heights of success and may help others in attaining their targets. Your working pattern will be improved and you shall be honored for your kind heartedness and helping attitude. During the first half you are suggested to drive your vehicle with more cautious because some minor accident is suspected. In the second half all your worries and problems will subside and you will enjoy the happiness of life. You will march on the success track without any hurdle. You will try your level best to keep everyone happy through your efforts and words simultaneously. You may meet any media fellow and may try to project your better image. This is the phase when you will wish to implement the project of your interest. However you will remain busy in fast and other religious activities. For a short while there may be some differences with the spouse as well. You will enjoy the last week in merrymaking and celebrating auspicious occasion. You may organize any feast at your home in which ladies participation will be dominant. You might be honored in your in laws family. You will enjoy happy moments with family members whereas by the end of month the deteriorating health of any senior family member may grab your concern causing worries and making schedule busy. The students will also perform better if they remain focused. They shall be in hurry and partially tensed about their studies. Females will do shopping for house décor and adding comfortable things for households.


Auspicious Number: 5; Auspicious Color: GreenYou may be dependent on others in profession or service instead of relying onto your own expertise. Financial condition will improve gradually but may suffer infamy; your professional image may go down. You may feel lethargy and incompetence.

According to the zodiac sign system, Gemini is the third astrological symbol that is ruled by Venus! Apart from Aquarius & Libra, Gemini is also an Air sign. During 2024, Gemini natives will notice some relevant changes in their life. Be it professional, educational, or relationships! People who are born between 21st May & 1st June will be able to enjoy a successful relationship/marriage. Moreover, those born between 2nd & 11th June will have their full focus on building up their careers. The ones born amidst 12th & 21st June will aim to... Read More


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