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First House in Vedic Astrology

1st House in Vedic Astrology


The First House, also referred to as Ascendant in Vedic astrology, is rightly considered as a house that signifies oneself. At the time of birth of an individual, the degree of the sign rising on the East horizon is reflected in this house. Being the very initial and ascending point, this house becomes the vantage point from where the division of the sky is done in twelve equal parts. Hence, this leads to the other subsequent houses.

Characteristics of the First House

By virtue of being the Ascending house, the first house is considered as most important as it reflects the very existence of an individual. Reflective of Sunrise, it rightly marks the beginning of life and lays foundation for the subsequent houses. There are prime characteristics of this house that define its very nature. These characteristics features can be stated below:

1. Ruling Sign and Ruling Planet

Aries is the Ruling sign of the First House. Mars is the ruling planet of the First house.

2. Ruling Body Part

The Ruling body part(s) of the First house are the head and the upper part of the face. The First house also belongs to Tanu Bhava, meaning it is a house of the body of an individual.

3. Governing Factors

The first house reflects the personality of an individual, the appearance, character, health, built, sex appeal, strength and weakness.

It is also essentially reflective of the destiny of an individual or source of ascertaining mishappening or misfortunes.

4. Relationships with other planets

Strong planets for the first house are Sun, Jupiter, Moon, Mars and Mercury. Weak planets for the first house are Venus and Saturn.

Following is the summary of what these planets reflect, when placed in the first house:


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Sun in First House

The natives are blessed with positive demeanor and joyous personality. Their childhood is full of fun. They have good social image because they are fun to be with. They are likely to have thin hair, but that doesn’t affect their high degree of narcissism. They are also likely to be very egoistic and full of self pride.

Moon in First House

Such natives are courageous and have a personality that’s dynamic and attractive. They are cheerful people and pleasant to socialize with, but they don’t let anything impact their core values. They have high possibilities of foreign travels more than once. They are likely to have spiritual and religious inclinations. They believe in the power of love and loving. They are likely to face financial issues in the initial years. The natives are likely to develop physical weakness.

Mars in First House

The natives are imbibed with courage and are physically strong. They are hot headed and can get aggressive. However, they are naturally positive. They indulge in physical activities like sports and tend to be good leaders.

Mercury in First House

This is a very powerful placement for insight and intellectuality. The natives are blessed with sharp mind and are good at solving problems. However, their thought process is a bit cluttered so it is important to give such thoughts a direction.

Venus in First House

Such natives have a charismatic personality. They are attractive and people are drawn towards them. The natives like fine things in life and are driven towards luxuries. They are slightly narcissistic in their conduct and can also be egoistical. This is extensively featured with carnal desires and sexual prowess. If affected by a malefic planet, Venus can bring infidelity and delay in marriage.

Saturn in First House

Such natives might seem cold but in reality they are introverts. They are loyal and people can depend upon them. They are also slightly pessimistic, but they attain what they want through dedicated hard work. Success knocks later in their life, after their share of hard work.

Jupiter in First House

Jupiter magnifies the large heartedness of such natives. They believe in the power of giving. Such natives can also be obese, but that does not affect the level of self confidence they tend to carry. They have a very nice heart and are confident in their conduct.

Rahu in First House

The natives have an extreme desire for social status. They have good appearance and sexual appeal and they try to use it to their advantage. They often take unpopular ways to get what they want and often succumb to using illicit activities.


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Ketu in First House

People with Ketu in first house are generally very secretive; they often tend to become very greedy. They are low on confidence levels but have a very high level of intuition.


The first house is called an ascendant for a reason; it carves a general conduct of an individual. It is reflective of an individual’s physical attributes, looks, strength and weaknesses. Different planets have different outcomes under this house. Nonetheless, it is a driver of destiny, fortune or lack of it.

Houses In Vedic Astrology

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